Michel Brabant - Les Impatients
List of creators

Michel Brabant

It is with great enthusiasm and spontaneity that Michel (born in 1949) attended Les Impatients workshops at the IUSMM from 1996 to 2002. For him, this is a weekly meeting not to be missed because Michel is happy to resume his drawing where he had left it the previous week. He manipulates plasticine to make two-color characters and most of the time uses gouache or wax crayons to draw series of multicolored solids, jerky or squared lines over the entire surface.

We also recognize in his semi-abstractions triangular faces, oblong shapes containing nose, eyes and mouth. The sun and clocks are also among his subjects. His creations invite us to observe familiar themes, the solar star and the vastness of the universe, the elusive time that passes and the individual, him, as a simple witness of what goes beyond him.

Michel Brabant

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